Connect OpenDJ LDAP service to Websphere federated repositories

Nice that it is possible 🙂

1. Add repository:

Global security > Federated repositories > Manage repositories > Add
Directory type: IBM Tivoli Directory Server
Directory type: Custom

2. Add base entry to realm:

Global security > Federated repositories > Add Base entry to Realm

Name: EXT
Distinguished name of a base entry that uniquely identifies this set of entries in the realm
Distinguished name of a base entry in this repository

3. If required – modify Group attribute definition to your LDAP member naming standards

4. If required – modify LDAP entity types to your LDAP ObjectClass settings, base dn and search filter

5. Restart Was Manager

6. Edit
Global security > Federated repositories > EXT > LDAP entity types

Group groupOfUniqueNames

7. Configure VMMSYNC on IBM Control Desk to fetch users/groups

8. Restart JVM-S on which login should be possible

Add drive to Redhat linux without restart

Add independent drive from Vsphere

Rescan the SCSI Bus to Add a SCSI Device

ls /sys/class/scsi_host
#if output host0
echo “- – -” > /sys/class/scsi_host/host0/scan

Create partition

fdisk -l
fdisk /dev/sdb
#n – create a new partition (primary 1)
#w – write the new partition table and exit

Format partition

mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdb1

Update /etc/fstab

/dev/sdb1 /lmdata ext3 defaults 1 2

Mount partition

mkdir /lmdata
mount /lmdata